Xooma Overview
Xooma Worldwide - Xtreme X2O and FocusUP
Xtreme X2O creates Mineral-Rich Alkaline Water
FocusUP is the Pure-Energy Think-Drink
Build Your Own X2O & FocusUP Pack - Mix & Match
The Dopey Challenge in January at Disney World!
Barbette did the 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon, and Marathon in 4 days.
David and Barbette Spitler participated in The Dopey Challenge in January 2015 at Disney World in Orlando. They trained with X2O & FocusUP, and they also used KardiaXyme for inflammation and MetaboWize Protein Shake. Call Barbette at 937-478-3659 for more product information.
Who is Xooma Worldwide?
The fact that you're here tells us you're one of the millions of people in the world today looking for better health.
With all the choices out there today in the wellness industry, you might be asking yourself “what makes Xooma Worldwide better than any other company?” Not only is that a fair question, it's the number one question we want you to ask. You see, from day one, we designed this company to stand head and shoulders above the rest - even in front of the most hard-nosed skeptics who come our way. And in order to do this we knew that meant we could never settle for “second best” when it comes to our product or business opportunity. A difficult task? Yes. But, while most companies' main focus lies in doing whatever it takes to be “the biggest,“ here at Xooma, we're simply focused on being the BEST. For example, rather than start our company with dozens of low quality “slap a fancy label on it“ type products, we choose to grow our company one product at a time. Again, we are dedicated to providing you with the best wellness products on the planet - period. And if that means a smaller, more focused, premium quality product line, that's fine with us. After all, what good is a health product if it doesn't deliver the results you're looking for? Rest assured, you'll always be able to count on us to provide you with the kind of products you'll be proud to use and recommend to your family and friends. |
Xtreme Health
Did you know that aging is a condition in which you dry up from the inside out, and it usually shows itself in the form of lost muscle mass and excess body fat low energy levels and a diminished capacity to enjoy life to its fullest? This booklet can help you learn how to optimize your body's hydration levels and stop the excess wear and tear from every day living. Download a free copy and share.
Did you know that aging is a condition in which you dry up from the inside out, and it usually shows itself in the form of lost muscle mass and excess body fat low energy levels and a diminished capacity to enjoy life to its fullest? This booklet can help you learn how to optimize your body's hydration levels and stop the excess wear and tear from every day living. Download a free copy and share.
Free Membership
No signup fee, no annual fees, just great products at wholesale prices

Most people who try this product love the results and continue to use it each month. When you place your order, the company will set up a convenient monthly replenishment program for you to receive your order once a month. There’s no obligation and you can modify or cancel your order anytime with a simple email or phone call. With the monthly replenishment program you’ll continue to receive the lowest prices on all your future orders as well as the protection of a full money-back guarantee.
Barbette Spitler
Trouble Placing An Order
Please call Xooma Customer Service at (888) 865-6687 - Give them my Xooma ID #306640 and they will place the order for you or feel free to call me at (937) 478-3659. Cancel Autoship To cancel your autoship, please send an email to [email protected] with your Name and Xooma ID # requesting that your autoship be canceled. You are still a member of Xooma and able to order at anytime. Xooma Customer Service Xooma Customer Service (888) 865-6687 Email at [email protected] Customer Service Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST (Monday through Friday) |